The drive up to Honesdale was beautiful. From the windows of a borrowed truck, I took in miles of trees, falls rolling over rocks between them. I stopped for a sandwich and ate it in the car with the radio on. I arrived in the afternoon, tired and quiet off my hours alone driving. I wandered up to my room and sat on the edge of the bed facing the window. I’m not someone who finds myself in crowds much these days.
The Shiatsu Summit would be the first time since maybe 2020 that I would be in a room with a large group of people, and I allowed myself the acknowledgment that it might feel like too much for me. I took a short walk outside and then headed downstairs.
In our conference room, people selected spots in a large circle. Kumiko welcomed us all into the space with such love and gratitude as I’ve felt her emanate many times before, a wellspring of joy and intention. Patrizia started to speak and her passion poured into the room; I could feel the attention slide easefully to her and her work.
Her manner and presentation were beautiful, and I found myself awed by her practice, this magical intersection between Shiatsu and physics. It is always so remarkable to witness someone in their gifts, so special to share in the glow they create with their dedication, and this was a feeling I would feel again and again over the weekend. Patrizia finished her presentation and our first night together was closing, I headed to my room and settled into bed.
After breakfast Saturday morning we began again. In Nini’s class, we discovered each of the five elements in our bodies, supported by her gentle, meditative guidance, and encouragement to connect and find freedom. I was moved by exercises in which we practiced supportive, healing touch, intuiting areas on our partners’ bodies that needed care and staying there, then moving slowly to other areas as they called for support. It is so healing to be with others in this way, and I am still enjoying the echo of these lessons, the reminder of the boundless value of presence.
The rest of the day unfolded gracefully. Wendy shared insightful reflections on Shiatsu and trauma, and we practiced auricular points on each other. Yoshi shared techniques he has been developing in his MeisoTouch practice. Together we learned about the power of attunement and breath and practiced supporting each other in breathing from Hara. As evening cloaked us in its depth, Lorelei shared her power with us in the form of an elemental dance, a saga that carried us through the seasons and ended in a cosmic embrace as we all declared the light and love that exist within us.
As I reflect on my time at the Summit the moments fall together. If I focus I can pull out singular scenes in the way I just have, but it feels nice to let my eyes fuzz and enjoy the wholeness of it. It’s the difference between taking in a whole field of flowers, all the woven, moving color, or getting close to admire a single one, neither is better, just different. The magic for me was in the fullness of the weekend, and I continue to be moved by the way that everyone’s uniqueness seemed to find a place, the way in which a shared quality of genuine kindness brought the space to life.
I know that next year’s Summit will be wonderful in these ways and in entirely new ones. This first year will be the seed in my heart from which all those futures spring. Thank you to all who I met and shared space with. My experience wouldn’t have been the same without you.
We sold out tickets and we are so happy to be able to gather enthusiastic shiatsu teachers, students, and clients at the beautiful Himalayan institute.Â
We are planning our next year’s gathering. The details will be released in September, please watch our e-newsletter for info.Â
If you have any suggestions on shiatsu-health-related topics and presenters, please email us at kumiko@fivelightscenter.comÂ
We look forward to seeing you next spring, 2025!Â
Love and peace.Â
Kumiko & Five Lights teamÂ

Caper Valentine is a Shiatsu practitioner based in Tucson, Arizona. After graduating from college with a degree in psychology, personal development led him to desire education in bodywork. He attended massage school and after trying out several forms post-graduation, he found his way to the Five Lights Center of Shiatsu and began to study Shiatsu. In Shiatsu, Casper has found a form that both grounds and inspires him. Additionally, he is trained as an acudetox specialist through NADA. He enjoys practicing Aikido and QiGong, crocheting, and making rugs.
As the Student Liaison for the Five Lights Center, he is excited to support both new and continuing students as they learn Shiatsu. If you have any questions about our courses, you are always welcome to reach out to him at admin@fivelightscenter.com.Â